Hats Off

A few weeks ago while I was putting away some of Emmie’s Christmas gifts in her closet (ok so I procrastinated so what!) she noticed one of her Summer hats. This wasn’t a NEW hat. It wasn’t anything particularly ornate but for some reason or another it struck her fancy and she popped it on her head. A few hours later as we were getting ready to go outside and play I asked her if she wanted to leave the hat inside, you know to keep it “safe”. She replied in a very matter of factly “NOOOO!” and that was that.

Fast forward a few weeks and the hat is still here. She went 4 straight weeks in that damn hat. We slept in it. We bathed in it. We jumped it in. We ate in it. What began as a fedora transformed into a bit of a bowler. The hat had taken on an entirely different shape.

Just so you can fully grasp the severity of the situation here are some pictures as proof of the obsession:

I have tried on a number of occasions to swap the original hat out for a newer more constructed one but eventually the ole’ “Cowboy Hat” (as she refers to it) comes poppin’ back out. A couple of times she has been in the middle of doing something, stopped dead in her tracks, reached up and felt her head and screamed “MYYYYYY HAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT??????” The sheer terror in her voice tells me this is not a joke and regardless of what I am doing…. cooking dinner; showering; going to the bathroom…. I must retrieve said hat.

When the evil Snowzilla reared her head the hat briefly took a break and an Elsa dress appeared in it’s place. Not sure which one I preferred. The dress was pretty disgusting by day 3 and she refused to give me a moment to wash it. So I honestly was a bit relieved when on day 6 the trusty hat made its way back into the daily mix.

I’m fairly certain she will be wearing this hat when she starts Pre-K next year (waaaaaaah!) and when she celebrates her 3rd Birthday in November. And its even quite possible that it makes it all the way to Christmas.

That is unless that ole’ cowboy hat just happens to “accidentally” get stuffed faaaar back into the closet somewhere. But then let’s hope that bitch Elsa doesn’t show back up.

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