Buggin’ Out

So last week we got hit pretty hard in our house with a vicious stomach bug. Everyone got it. EVERY.ONE! It did not discriminate. Emmie brought it into our home last Saturday (kids and their damn germs). It was actually her first time being REALLY sick and it was just as sad and upsetting as I thought it was going to be. She woke up at 5 in the morning gagging and I ran in to see what was happening when all of a sudden she started vomiting like the exorcist. I changed her and brought her into the bed with Bobby and I and where she then proceeded to taint our bed for the next hour or so. I had my sister’s Baby Shower that day so Bobby was on his own. I hated leaving my sick baby and Bobby looked pretty nervous about it all too but I figured he had it covered. He was awesome and took great care of her. The next day (after 14 barfs later) she was back to her crazy self.

Tuesday was Bobby’s birthday, Emmie and I had lots planned and we were super excited for a fun night celebrating him. I rolled over in the morning and looked at my clock to see that it was almost 7:00AM. Bobby was still sleeping and I jumped up to tell him he was late. He moaned something about not feeling good and how he couldn’t get up. Victim #2 had been hit. Happy Birthday Bobby! All day he was miserable, confined to the bed and unable to eat. What a terrible birthday. It took almost three days for him to finally start feeling better.

On Wednesday my mom called me and said that she was sick too and that my dad was at work and he was getting sick but wouldn’t leave work (he’s kind of a tough ass). Victims #3 & 4. Their’s lasted until Friday.

Thursday night I started feeling really nauseous and I just knew that my time was coming. I had tried everything to avoid it but it was inevitable. I lysol’ed the eff outta the house, I incessantly washed my hands, and I was popping Air Borne like they were candy. But lo and behold that germy little leech of mine had managed to get me after all. And now I was down for the count with no one to help. Victim # 5 had been struck. Friday I woke up so tired and weak that Bobby came home from work to help me (awwwwwwww!) and then my amazing in-laws took Em overnight Friday and Saturday.

While Bobby and I were watching a movie on one of those “kid-free” nights enjoying some R&R we heard a really strange noise and looked over to see Ginger puking EVERYWHERE!!!! And then sitting in it.

And there’s your Victim # 6!